MHLP Faculty Supports Florida's Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC)

MHLP Faculty Supports Florida's Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC)

Jim Winarski M.S.W. of the Department of Mental Health Law and Policy has been awarded contracts through Florida's Department of Children and Families to provide training and technical assistance for the Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) initiative. ROSC is designed for organizing and coordinating multiple services, supports and systems, and supports person centered, self-directed approaches to services as part of a process of system transformation.

Florida is using the Self-Assessment Planning Tool for Implementing Recovery-Oriented Services (SAPT): Version 2.0 as the framework to support ROSC implementation at all of its inpatient mental health facilities and in community behavioral health agencies working in the jurisdiction of three managing entities, with plans for eventual statewide implementation. Mr. Winarski developed the SAPT at the University of South Florida (USF) Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI) under contract to Florida's Medicaid authority, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA). It includes a survey and implementation guide.