Intranet - College of Behavioral & Community Sciences

CBCS Intranet > News & Events > News for 2009

CBCS has 'designs on design'
What will those in nursing homes and assisted-living facilities who are "wandering risks" soon have in common with those who drive a Ferrari?
Faculty Vacancy: Florida Center for Inclusive Communities Seeks Co-Director
CBCS is searching for a Co-Director of the Florida Center for Inclusive Communities (FCIC), a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).
CBCS Announces New Faculty Employment Opportunities
CBCS Announces New Faculty Employment Opportunities
Oct. 9, 2009, 8 pm: MHC Building Power Outage
The MHC building will be with out power on Saturday, October 10th.
Academic Continuity: Syllabus Language
Important Update, Click to open PDF
Academic Continuity: Syllabus Guidelines
Important Update, Click to open PDF
New CBCS Informational Flyer
A new CBCS informational flyer is available.
Distinguished Guests Lecture: Positive Development Programs for Rural African American Families
Under Brody and Murry’s leadership at the University of Georgia, two large studies were implemented to identify and track the contextual factors that promote healthy development in rural African American families.

College of Behavioral & Community Sciences Mark